Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Let's kick this off with a Bang - The Power of Complexes

Kettlebell complexes are one of the best conditioning tools available. I have yet to come across anything quite as effective as double kettlebell complexes when it comes to inducing systemic fatigue. If you recall, the goal of systemic fatigue is to keep the system working as a whole, but not to tax one muscle group too much as one time. This allows you to work beyong your normal work capacity, and is one of the best methods to use when it comes to body transformation, tacking on lean muscle, and conditioning yourself as an athlete. Enough blabbering, I'm sure you all want some examples!

So the following complexes I'm listing are double bell techniques, obviously you can do complexes with single bells as well.

Remember, the goal is to complete the complex in a little time as possible(with good form of course), without resting or putting the bells down!

Example 1 - The Blaster - 10 reps of Long Cycle Clean and Jerk, 10 Front Squats, 10 Bent Over Rows

Example 2 - Hell In a Cast Iron Shell - 10 reps of double clean and press, 10 reps of double snatch, 10 front squats

Example 3 - Playin With Bells - 10 double swings, 10 front squats, 10 push ups on the bells

Example 4 - The Ice Cream Maker - 10 double Cleans, 10 front squats, 10 push ups on bells

Example 5 - Have a Cigar - 10 double snatch, 10 jump shrugs, 10 floor presses

Example 6 - Get Outta My Yard - 10 Viking Push Press, 10 Bent Over Rows, 10 Front Squats

You get the idea, the possibilities are endless. Now each of these complexes are 3 different exercises, for about 10 reps. You can obviously play around with this too. Add more weight and less reps, add in another exercise, etc. If you watched my 300 workout, I believe all the complexes in that were 4 or more exercises with 15 plus reps with  2 x 16kg bells, you do not need a lot of weight for these, believe me! 2 x 16 kg bells for 15 reps each for four different exercises is more than enough to make you want to vomit...I mean that in the best way possible.

So you want to see some in action? Below are links to my youtube channel, demonstrating two of the above complexes. Enjoy!

Playin With Bells

Ice Cream Maker